A beautiful mountain scene with several hikers and two arms holding out an open essential oil bottle case filled with oils for a post titled Essential Oils for Every Outdoor Adventure: Your Natural Toolkit

A beautiful mountain scene with several hikers and two arms holding out an open essential oil bottle case filled with oils for a post titled Essential Oils for Every Outdoor Adventure: Your Natural Toolkit

There's an essential toolkit for every adventure!

Embarking on an outdoor adventure invites the essence of nature into our lives, but it also opens the door to the unpredictable elements of the wild. Just like preparing the 'write' tools for nature journaling, you need to be prepared for natural distractions as well.

Whether you're facing the relentless sun, pesky bugs, unexpected scratches, or long car rides, incorporating essential oils into your toolkit can provide the natural support your body needs. We'll dive into the essential oils and essential oil products that are a must-have for any adventurer, arranged by their use for various outdoor challenges.

A bottle of Young Living lavender essential oil and frankincense essential oil for a post titled Essential Oils for Every Outdoor Adventure: Your Natural Toolkit

Protection from Excess Sun

The sun, while vital for life, can be rather unkind to our skin if proper precautions aren't taken. While no essential oil acts as a direct sunscreen, some can help soothe and support skin recovery after sun exposure.

- Lavender Essential Oil: 

Renowned for its soothing properties, lavender oil can help calm skin that's had too much fun in the sun. Apply it with a carrier oil or a calming after-sun spray to enjoy its benefits.  

- Frankincense Essential Oil: 

Known for its skin-supporting properties, frankincense can be applied post-sun exposure to promote the appearance of healthy-looking skin.

A bottle of Young Living Peppermint and a bottle of Citronella essential oils for a post titled Essential Oils for Every Outdoor Adventure: Your Natural Toolkit

Combating Bugs

The great outdoors is home to an array of insects, some of which are less than pleasant companions.

- Citronella Essential Oil: 

A well-known natural insect repellent, citronella can help keep mosquitoes at bay. Use it in a homemade bug spray or diffuse it around your campsite for a peaceful, bite-free environment.

**Peppermint Essential Oil: 

Not only is peppermint refreshing, but it's also disliked by many types of insects. Apply it diluted on your skin or add a few drops to your diffuser to help deter unwanted pests.

A bottle of Young Living Tea Tree and helichrysum essential oils for a post titled Essential Oils for Every Outdoor Adventure: Your Natural Toolkit

Relief from Bites and Scratches

Exploring nature can sometimes lead to minor bites and scratches. Having the right essential oils on hand can provide comfort.

- Tea Tree Essential Oil: 

With its cleansing properties, tea tree oil is great for taking care of skin irritations. Apply it diluted to the affected area for a soothing effect.

Also good to apply to blemishes, fingernails, and toenails.  All areas that get overlooked when you're out in nature for any length of time.  

- Helichrysum Essential Oil: 

Ideal for the outdoor enthusiast, Helichrysum can be applied to skin needing a little extra care due to its restorative properties.

This was one of our underused, precious oils until I fell trying to capture a photo of Allen fishing.  I landed on jagged rocks.  Though the skin didn't break--it looked more like an abrasion--the tissues under the skin swelled and were very unhappy for a month.  When I finally realized what a gift I had in our arsenal and applied it, everything was happy again!  Helichrysum is now added to our toolkit!

A bottle of Young Living lemon and peppermint essential oil for a post titled Essential Oils for Every Outdoor Adventure: Your Natural Toolkit

Comfort on Car Rides

Long drives to and from your nature destinations shouldn't be a discomfort. A few essential oils can turn any car ride into a refreshing journey.

- Peppermint Essential Oil: 

Feeling queasy? Peppermint oil can help soothe stomach discomfort and nausea related to motion. Applying it diluted on your abdomen or inhaling it can provide relief.

- Lemon Essential Oil: 

Its uplifting aroma can invigorate the senses and purify the air, making it perfect for keeping spirits high and the car fresh during long trips.

a person standing outdoor in the bright sun dropping essential oils in the palm of her hand for a post titled Essential Oils for Every Outdoor Adventure: Your Natural Toolkit

Preparation and Use

When preparing to use these essential oils for your outdoor adventures, keep a few points in mind:

  • Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them directly to your skin to minimize sensitivity.
  • Some essential oils are photosensative.  Citrus oils and some oil blends increase UV sensitivity.  Check your labels! If the oils you love are photosensative, use them in your night routine or apply them in places that won't be exposed to the sun.
  • Keep oils away from eyes and mucous membranes.
  • When using essential oils for the first time, especially on children or if you have sensitive skin, do a patch test to ensure there's no adverse reaction.
  • Pay attention to the storage of your essential oils. Extreme heat or direct sunlight can deteriorate their quality.
  • Use your journal to remember the essential oils you used and your experiences!
Armed with the right natural tools, essential oils can enrich and support your outdoor adventures. Nature awaits, so go confidently with these aromatic allies by your side!  
Dive into more nature tips with these helpful posts: 


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