Lisa holding a bottle of Raven in a bright white natural light area for blog post titled Top 5 Ways We Use Raven™ Essential Oil

Lisa holding a bottle of Raven in a bright white natural light area for blog post titled Top 5 Ways We Use Raven™ Essential Oil

You can almost smell the refreshing and comforting cool minty aroma by just reading the list of ingredients!

*Make sure to read to the end to access BONUS tips and recipes.

Look at this amazing list that makes up Raven™, a premium-grade Young Living™ exclusive product!

    • Ravintsara 
    • Peppermint 
    • Eucalyptus Radiata
    • Lemon
    • and Wintergreen

So, how do we use Raven™ essential oil?

#1. Breathin’ easy is easy with Raven™ 

Just removing the cap and inhaling the refreshing aroma provides a cooling respiratory experience. It’s one of the oils we keep handy for any type of season-related feelings in your head or chest.  

Other ways to breathe in the Raven goodness:
    • You could mix it in a roller ball with a carrier oil like V-6 and roll it on your throat or chest.  It is easy to keep it handy in your purse or suitcase.
    • We drop it in the palm of your hands and rub it on your neck and chest. You could also add a drop of carrier oil to glide more easily across your skin. Don’t forget to take a deep breath with your hands cupped over your nose to take in all the goodness!
    • Diffuse a few drops to bring the aroma into your entire space!
An Aria diffuser near a nature light block window, orange blossoms on a plant, and a bottle of Young Living Raven essential oil for a blog post titled Top 5 Ways We Use Raven™ Essential Oil

#2. In a spa-like bath soak!


Indulge yourself after a tough day and enjoy a relaxing, soothing soak.  
    • Add 4-6 drops of Raven™ to about a cup of Epsom salts. 
    • A hot soak in this mix has you relaxing and feeling rejuvenated!
an older man appears to be out for a walk or run and wearing a towel around his neck for a blog post titled Top 5 Ways We Use Raven™ Essential Oil

#3. Chill!

When something in life turns up your thermostat, enjoy a quick, refreshing cool down with Raven™️
    • In a rollerball, mix 1:1 ratio of Raven with a V-6 or other carrier oil.
    • Roll this blend on your neck and experience the cool, refreshing experience.
If you're warm from a good workout, make a chilled towel for a spa-like experience!
    • Fill a bowl with water and add 8-10 drops of Raven.  
    • Place a washcloth in the mix until it's fully soaked, wring out the water, and place it around your neck.  *Kick that idea up a notch by sealing the damp washcloth in a plastic container and placing it in the freezer before applying!   Put the freezer container in your to-go bag before heading out for a hot weather hike or to the gym for an extra reward for your exhausting workout!
bottle of young living's Raven essential oil in front of a couple of lemons for a blog post titled Top 5 Ways We Use Raven™ Essential Oil

#4. Take Raven™️ along when you travel!

Flights, hotel rooms, or certain environments–especially those with stagnant or musty air–can be challenging to experience.

    • Just a couple of drops of Raven™ in a diffuser will freshen the space while adding that minty, soothing scent. Great for day or night use!
    • If you’re in a location where you can’t use a diffuser, consider making a little spray bottle with just a few drops of Raven, distilled water, and a few drops of spirits to spritz.  A drop or two of Tea Tree will boost the effect on a stale environment.
two hands with lotion in the palm of one hand and the other hand ready to mix in the drops of Raven essential oil in a bright white room for a blog post titled Top 5 Ways We Use Raven™ Essential Oil

#5: Tired Feet

Long days, tired feet? Whether you've been hiking or standing on cement all day, treat your tired feet to a mini massage!
    • Put a dollop of your thick foot cream in the palm of your hand.  
    • Add a drop or two of Raven and blend together with your fingers.
    • Rub the lotion mixture on your feet and take a few extra moments to massage the tender spots.  
    • Put on cozy socks and elevate your feet while you relax.
Whether you're looking for a rejuvenating aroma or an oil that supports your aromatic and spa-like experience, Raven™️ should be at the top of your list.  Make sure to use your journal to record your favorite recipes and experiences!  

Here are a few of our other favorite essential oils and why we like them:

Remember: Oil brands are not created equally! This is an exclusive trademarked oil blend from Young Living™ Essential OIls.
(*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)

*BONUS  Explore our FREE wellness tools, tips, recipes, and more! access resources here


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