Are you ready to unlock a world of creativity, clarity, and focus?
Join us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as we combine the power of journaling with the aromatic benefits of Young Living® essential oils.
Get your writing tool ready, ignite your senses, and get ready to energize your mind and embrace the new season.

Here are some journal prompt ideas to get you started:
1. Reflect on your goals:
Take a moment to envision what you want to achieve this season.
How do you want to grow, both personally and professionally? Write about your aspirations and the steps you'll take to make them a reality.
If you're ready to incorporate essential oils but aren't sure where to start, you might find this post helpful: Essential Aromas: Diffuser Recipes to Elevate Your Journaling Experience
or you can explore your oil options and products HERE.

2. Favorite scent memories:
Recall a time when a particular scent evoked strong emotions or memories.
Can you identify the scent? Describe the fragrance and how it made you feel.
When was the last time you remember that scent?
Was there a specific holiday or family event connected to the scent?
Are you fascinated by the strong connection between scent and memories? You'll love this post! Try This Simple Sensory Cue to Recall Vivid Memories!

3. Morning ritual:
Describe your ideal morning routine that will set the tone for a productive and positive day.
What have you included in your morning routine that brings you joy? Just 5 minutes a day in a morning journaling activity can be powerful! Focus on the positive aspects and affirmations you want to carry through the day. Valor, Joy, and White Angelica are a special addition to this morning ritual. They have a lovely scent and their essential benefits will support you through the day.

4. Embracing change:
Change is inevitable, but it can be challenging to navigate.
You can explore your mindset towards change and growth.
How can you embrace the new season with enthusiasm and gratitude? Gratitude journaling is a powerful tool and should be included daily, especially before bed.

5. Aromatherapy blend:
Create your own signature essential oil blend that embodies the energy and essence of the new season.
A simple citrus oil mixed with a blend is a good place to start. Thieves® will have the immune support benefits while adding that beautiful spice combination to the air. Stress Away has supportive benefits for your emotions while providing a vanilla-like scent.
Now, write down the oils you would choose and explain why they resonate with you.
How will this blend uplift and motivate you?
Still not sure which oils to use. We're just a text or email away and glad to help. Contact us!

6. Mindfulness practice:
Explore methods of cultivating mindfulness and presence in your daily life.
What are activities you consider mindful?
Write about the sensations and emotions that arise when you engage in mindful activities.
How did the experience change when you were consciously mindful?
Do you see other opportunities in your day where you could incorporate mindfulness?

7. Energy-boosting rituals:
Write about the activities that consistently boost your energy and invigorate your mind.
How do these practices align with your personal goals and values?
What is it about your activity that boosts your energy or invigorates your mind?
How can you recreate these energizing activities in your day or as needed?

8. New experiences:
Write a list of new experiences or challenges you would like to explore this season.
How will embracing the unknown expand your horizons and promote personal growth?
Remember, journaling is a personal journey, and there are no right or wrong answers. Allow your thoughts to flow freely, and let the aromatic scents of Young Living essential oils guide you toward a state of mental clarity and inspiration.
Which essential oils do you take on these adventures? Something that supports courage? Energy? Mindfulness? Memory?
Just in case you missed it, here's the companion post that inspired these prompts!
If you're beginning to think about more scents from your memories or these journal prompts triggered new questions, you can either reach out to us with questions or check out the wonderful list of essential oil single and blend options, diffusers, and products HERE.
Still not sure which oils to use. We're just a text or email away and glad to help. Contact us!