Written by Jordan Hofer, Guest Author

I once found myself happily alone, broke, and hitchhiking in the country of Guatemala. 

How I came to be in that condition is a tale for another day. But suffice it to say, I had set out on a youthful adventure, one that – in my mind anyway – was noble and intentionally quixotic. I was a young, long-haired, unshowered, backpack-toting idealist, feeling that – to paraphrase Albert Camus – by becoming completely free, my mere existence was an act of rebellion against what I viewed as an unfree world of conformity.

Countryside Antigua by foot for a Bound to Journal blog post by contributing author, Jordan Hofer, series titled 'On the Road' Photo from the countryside after leaving Antigua by foot.

That adventure unfolded almost 20 years ago. I will never forget it. In fact, I couldn’t if I tried. But of course, over time, my memories faded a bit. Fortunately, as a roaming vagabond, one of my greatest pleasures was writing. Throughout my travels and wanderings I kept detailed journals of my experiences, people I met, places I visited, and thoughts that filled my mind. I had the pleasure of digging out one of those journals that was buried deep in a box in the back of a closet, along with other delightful items I’d long forgotten.

Reading through that nearly-forgotten journal and realizing how detailed my entries were was an absolute joy. Memories flooded back with complete clarity. Names of people and places long-forgotten came into focus. Deeply personal thoughts and ponderings were laid bare with such honesty that they cut deep again, even just reading them on paper. The journal allowed me to vividly see, feel, and relive some of my life’s most meaningful experiences. My memory may have faded with time but that journal was crystal clear.

On the road: Antigua, Guatemala building for the On The Road Blog Post Series by contributing author, Jordan Hofer Antigua, Guatemala

I’d like to share one of the entries from that journal that took place while I was backpacking alone in Guatemala. The tale of the red pickup truck, as I fondly recall it, was one of my favorite misadventures on the road. The tale will be shown in the original, hand-written pages from my journal. A few paragraphs will be blacked out however. They’re not national security secrets, just some details that are a bit too personal for public display. 

After reading it, I hope the next time you find yourself up to your neck in a wonderfully unplanned predicament, you will be inspired to forge onward fearlessly. And maybe just as importantly, take the time to write something down in your journal for your future self to enjoy.

Did you miss the introduction to this series?  

If so, you'll enjoy getting the back story of Jordan Hofer and this journal series.   In Never There Long: A Journal Series by Jordan Hofer, Jordan describes his 10 years of travel, and how the memories from his experiences and his travel journals turned into this series.  He also shares how his stories ended up here, in Bound to Journal

As always, keep your journals handy to capture the significant moments of your life.  You never know which moments will be your future inspiration.  

Don't miss this 3-part adventure and his next on travels through the Iberian Peninsula!

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Grab your journal, your favorite pen, and maybe a map to start planning and dreaming about your next adventure.


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