woman in boat journaling in warm weather with title of article 7 Tips to make the most of summer journaling

woman in boat journaling in warm weather with title of article 7 Tips to make the most of summer journaling feature designEven our good habits shift with the season, and that can be healthy!

As the temperature starts to rise, so too does our energy and enthusiasm for new experiences in the summer season. We tend to focus on outdoor activities, vacations, and spending time with loved ones. 

These changes in our lifestyle can have a big impact on our journaling habits, both positively and negatively.

Summer brings a sense of excitement and adventure that can inspire us to write more often in our journals. The long days and warm nights present us with opportunities to reflect on our experiences and the memories we create. 

However, it can also be difficult to find the time to write when there are so many other activities competing for our attention.

a hand writing in a journal on their knee sitting in nature

To make the most of your summer journaling habits, consider these tips:

1. Take your journal on the go

Whether you're exploring a new city or spending the day at the beach, take your journal with you so you can write down your thoughts and experiences as they happen. 

Jotting down notes and observations at the moment will help you capture all the small details that you may forget later on. It’s also a great way to help your memory retain all the emotions you’re going through.

If you've planned ahead, your journal can also be a great resource for gathering and collecting things along the way. Check out our post, "Journals That Travel Aren't Always Travel Journals," for a few ideas.

woman sitting in front of a tree journaling with tent and backpack behind her in the outdoors

2. Use prompts to spark inspiration

Sometimes the hardest part of journaling is figuring out what to write about. A great way to overcome this is to use prompts to inspire your writing. 

There are many different sources for journal prompts, including books and online resources.  We post a few each week on our Bound to Journal Facebook and Instagram accounts or you can come up with your own. 

Try to choose prompts that are relevant to the season, such as "Describe your favorite summer memory" or "Write about a new experience you had this summer."

man sitting on fence journaing in front of very large old tree

3. Make time for reflection

Summer is a busy time, but it's important to make time for quiet reflection as well. 

Find a quiet spot where you can spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your thoughts and feelings. If that quiet spot has a connection to nature, the journaling benefits increase. Use this time to write about your experiences, or simply to reflect on what you're grateful for.  Doodle, draw, write the lyrics to a song stuck in your head, ...anything.  Just put pen to paper!

woman wearing hat sitting in the grass by a lake journaling with pencil resting on her chin

4. Take advantage of the weather

Summer weather can be a great source of inspiration for journaling. 

Take advantage of sunny days and warm nights by writing about your favorite outdoor activities or the beauty of nature. If you're spending time at the beach or on a lake, write about the sound of the waves or the feeling of the sun on your skin.

If the weather stirs memories of the season, write those down.  Think about all of your senses.  Record all the thoughts that begin to flow while you enjoy a few mindful moments.

man sitting on a bench journaling while facing a mountain valley and mountains and trees in the background

5. Set goals for yourself

Setting goals for your journaling can be a great way to stay motivated all summer long. Whether you decide to write every day or once a week, having a goal in mind will help you stay on track. You can also set goals for specific topics or themes you want to explore in your writing.

As you set your goals, remember to think of your journaling as a reward, not a task.  Focus on the benefits. Celebrate all you're grateful for each day!

woman sitting in the grass in front of a tree journaling with a backpack behind her

6. Allow yourself to be spontaneous

While setting goals for your journaling is important, it's also important to allow yourself to be spontaneous. Don't feel like you have to stick to a strict schedule or writing routine. If you feel inspired to write, take advantage of that inspiration and let your writing flow.

If you keep your journal and a writing tool available, you'll be more apt to be spontaneous.

woman itting on a wooden boat in the sun journaling with backpacks and gear in the boat

7. Use your journal to set intentions

The summer season is also a great time to set new goals and intentions for yourself. 

Use your journal to reflect on what you want to achieve and how you plan to do it. Writing down your goals and intentions can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the summer and beyond.

woman sitting in a lavender field journaling

Summer is a season of change and new experiences, which can greatly impact our journaling habits. By taking advantage of the weather, setting goals for ourselves, and using prompts to inspire our writing, we can make the most of our summer journaling habits and capture all the moments and memories that make this season so special. 

So, pick a pen and journal and start writing about your summer memories and experiences!


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